
Начало / Избрани стипендианти за академичната 2020/2021 година / Избрани стипендианти за академичната 2020/2021…

After a really competitive selection the CAS Academic Advisory Council approved for support within the 2020-2021 academic year the following scholars and their research projects:

Advanced Academia Fellowships for International Scholars

  • Berecz, Agaston (CEU, Budapest): Official Multilingualism in the Eastern Part of Dualist Hungary;
  • Brzozowski, Wojciech (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Administration): Freedom of Religion or Belief in the Orthodox-majority Countries before the European Court of Human Rights;
  • Cosovschi, Agustin (Catholic University of Lille): History Thinking in the Borders of the Cold War: Intellectual Relations and Transfers between Socialist Yugoslavia and Latin America (1956-1980);
  • Fielder, Grace E. (University of Arizona, Russian & Slavic Studies): Slavic and Balkan Linguistics Social Networks and Sofia Vernaculars at the Dawn of the Bulgarian National Language;
  • Kyriakidis, Savvas (Dumbarton Oaks Research Library Fellow, Trustees of Harvard University): Oath-Taking and Oath-Breaking in Byzantium
  • Sarenac, Danilo (Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade): Deserting the Balkan Armies. The Cases of Serbia and Bulgaria (1912–1918).

Gerda-Henkel Fellowships

  • Bulatova, Asiya (CEFRES – French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague): The Chaplin Vaccine: Taylorism and Immunization in Early-Soviet Film Theory and Fiction;
  • Onofriichuk, Tetiana (independent researcher): Define the Distinction: Natural History and Society in the Polish Provinces of the Russian Empire, 1790s-1840s;
  • Preobrazhenskaya, Anastasia (National Research University, Higher School of Economics): Funeral Devotional Practices of Monastics in Early Modern Russia;
  • Zaslavskaya, Olga (International Alternative Culture Center, Budapest): Between the Reds and the Whites: Civil War and the East European Lost Generation.

Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Academic Diaspora

  • Ivanova, Mirela (University College, University of Oxford): Greek in the Early Medieval Balkans, ca. 880-1014;
  • Shkodrova, Albena (Centre for Social Movements, Bochum): Now you can! Upward mobility in new towns across Europe after World War Two.

Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars

  • Nakov, Vladimir (National Center of Public Health and Analyses): Hidden Madness: Mental Health Governance in Socialist Bulgaria;
  • Panayotov, Stanimir (no permanent affiliation): Feminism beyond the Body: Towards a Feminist Theory of Disembodiment;
  • Popov, Alexander (Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Narrating AI. Speculating through Science and Fiction on the Future of Machine and Human Intelligence;
  • Pozharliev, Lyubomir (Justus-Liebig University, Giessen): Competing Interests. State and Private actors in the Development of Black Sea Infrastructure in Russia and Bulgaria (1856–1914);
  • Stoyanova, Aneliya (Faculty of History, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”): A Possible Ally from the East: The Habsburg Intelligence and the Ottoman-Safavid Rivalry, 1560s–1610s.

Pforzheimer Fellowships for Bulgarian Senior Scholars

  • Hranova, Albena (Department of Philosophy, Plovdiv University): Public Scandals over Curricula and Textbooks in Bulgaria (1992–2019);
  • Marinov, Tchavdar (Plovdiv University, Department of Sociology and Humanities): Is It Possible to Measure Nationalism? Recent Theories of Pervasiveness and Intensity of Nationhood: A Critical Appraisal;
  • Stoev, Christo (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridsky”): A Different Approach into the Philosophical Anthropology: Rethinking the Human through its Antonyms.