Dr. Andrei Cusco (b. 1982, Chișinău, Republic of
Moldova) holds an MA (2002) and a Ph.D. degree (2008) from the
Department of History of the Central European University (CEU) in
Budapest. His research interests focus on modern East European history,
comparative history of the Eurasian empires, intellectual history and
historiography. For a number of years, he has been working on issues
related to Bessarabia’s symbolic geography, the competing Russian and
Romanian visions of this contested region in the second half of the 19th
and early 20th century, as well as on broader issues of Russian and
Romanian intellectual history.
During the academic year 2006-2007 he was a Fellow of the New Europe
College in Bucharest. From September 2008, he was a Lecturer at the
Department of History and Geography of the “Ion Creangă” State
Pedagogical University in Chișinău. From September 2016 he is an
Associate Professor at the same department. Between September 2015 and
January 2016 Dr. Cusco was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the
Department of History, University of Maryland (College Park).
Dr. Cusco’s first major publication is a book on the history of Bessarabia as a borderland of the Russian Empire (Bessarabia as a Part of the Russian Empire, 1812-1917),
co-authored with Victor Taki and published at the Novoe Literaturnoe
Obozrenie Press (Moscow) in 2012. He has also co-edited a volume on
Romania and its neighbors during the early phase of World War I (Flavius
Solomon, Andrei Cușco, Mihai-Ștefan Ceaușu, eds. România și statele vecine la începutul Primului Război Mondial: Viziuni, percepții, interpretări [Romania
and the Neihghboring States in the Early Phase of World War I: Visions,
Perceptions, Interpretations]. Iași: ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University
Press, 2016). His second book – A Contested Borderland: Competing Russian and Romanian Visions of Bessarabia in the Late 19th and Early 20th Century – was published at the CEU Press in October 2017.