Минали стипендианти

Вячеслав Греков


Viacheslav Grekov received his PhD in History of Ukraine at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) in 2013, with his doctoral project titled “The Development of Armament of the Warriors of South-Western Rus‘ of the 10th – first half of the 13th century.” From 2019 till September 2022, he was a Research assistant at the P. T. Tronka Centre for Local History, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and an Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Studies and Language Training of Foreign Citizens at the S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine). Viacheslav’s main research field is history of Ukraine, namely, the Medieval military history of Rus as a frontier state between sedentary population of the Central Europe region and nomadic population of the steppe region. Also, his recent research focused on the history of China in the 19th century in the context of opium world trade and on the analyses of travelogues and descriptions of China in Russian imperial historiography of the 19th – early 20th centuries. Finally, driven by the current tragic events in Ukraine, he got engaged into investigating the concept of “Russian world” as a neocolonial ideology and particularly the role of the perception of Rus in the contemporary Russian-Ukrainian war.

Viacheslav is an author of the monograph (in print) А. М. Краснов про Китай (1895–1896) / Вст. ст., ком., показчик В. Греков. Харків: Вид-во ХНУ, 2023 (in print). [A. M. Krasnov’s notes about China (1895–1896). Kharkiv, 2023] and collective monograph (in print) Вихованці Харківського університету: біографічний довідник / Ред. О. І. Вовк, С. М. Куделко. Харків: Вид-во ХНУ, 2023 [Alumni of Kharkiv University: Biographical Guide / Editors O. Vovk, S Kudelko]. His recent and forthcoming publications include: Культурно-географические условия развития военного дела Руси X в. –первой половины XIII в. в свете концепции симметрического и асимметрического ответов. Stratum plus. 2021. № 5. С. 41–46. [Cultural and geographical conditions for the military affairs development of Rus in the 10th –first half of the 13th centuries in the context of symmetric and asymmetric concept. Stratum plus. 2021. Vol. 5. P. 41–46]; K otázce stereotypního užívání pojmu „Rus”. NaVýchod. Č. 1–2. 2019, s. 17–20 [To the problem of stereotypical usage of the term “Rus”. NaVýchod. 2019. Vol. 1–2. P. 17–20].
