Минали стипендианти

Джандан Бадем


Candan Badem is an associate professor of history. He holds his BA degree in Business Administration from Boğaziçi University (1992), an MA degree from the University of Birmingham, Centre for Russian, European and Eurasian Studies (2001), and a PhD in History from Sabancı University (2007). On September 1, 2016, while heading the history department in Munzur University in Tunceli, he was banned by a decree law KHK 672 from working in state universities in Turkey because of his signature in a declaration by Academics for Peace, urging government to stop violence against civilian Kurds. Since then he is a Scholar at Risk, recognized by Scholars at Risk network at NYU. Dr Badem’s publications include The Ottoman Crimean War (Brill 2010), The Construction of Tiflis-Aleksandropol-Kars Railway (coauthor Sonya Mirzoyan), Çarlık Yönetiminde Kars, Ardahan, Artvin 1878-1918 (Aras, 2021), and Routledge Handbook of the Crimean War (ed., 2022).

His research focuses mainly on the Russian-Ottoman borderlands in the 19th and 20th centuries. He has conducted research in the state archives of Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Sweden, UK and Germany.

For more information, see https://independentscholar.academia.edu/CandanBadem
