Управление и структура

Начало / За нас / Мориц Баумгертел

Мориц Баумгертел


Moritz Baumgärtel is an assistant professor at University College Roosevelt and a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights of Utrecht University. He holds a PhD in Law from the Université libre de Bruxelles and postgraduate degrees from the University of Cambridge and Utrecht University. His research concerns the human rights of vulnerable migrants such as forced and undocumented migrants. Baumgärtel has published widely on these topics, including the monograph Demanding Rights: Europe’s Supranational Courts and the Dilemma of Migrant Vulnerability (Cambridge University Press, 2019) and the edited volume Theorizing Local Migration Law and Governance (with Sara Miellet, 2022). He also has a broader interest in questions of social justice, and specifically their connection to human rights as legal guarantees and as normative aspirations.