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Стипендиантски семинар: Критика и просвещение в древна Месопотамия
28 ноември 2024 @ 16:30 - 18:30
Sebastian Fink (Relevance of the Humanities Fellow, Oct ‘24 – Feb ‘25) is presenting his topic on:
Critique and Enlightenment in Ancient Mesopotamia
on 28 November 2024 (Thursday), at 16:30.
Moderated by: Miglena Stamberova
Abstract: The so-called Pre-Socratics mark the beginning of philosophy. In many books the rise of philosophy is described as a break with previous lines of thought, it is described as an intellectual revolution, as a move from “myth to logos”, as a move from pre-logical to logical thinking, or as the rise of critical thinking and the first Enlightenment period in world history. Xenophanes (ca. 560-478) was often designated as the world’s first critic of religion. So, critique is intrinsically linked to the beginning of philosophy. These lines of thinking were also taken up in Karl Jasper’s influential theory of the Axial Age. In the Axial Age the intellectual ways of mankind decisively changed and philosophy and a new kind of more philosophical religions arose.
The question that struck me was: How did people think before the Axial Age? In the cuneiform texts we find no signs of pre-logical thinking, but rational approaches to problem solving and numerous instances of critique. In my talk I want to address texts that criticize rulers, religion, and the traditional wisdom. Finally, I want to address the question how enlightenment phenomena and critique influence societies.
- Дата:
- 28 ноември 2024
- Час:
- 16:30 - 18:30
- Център за академични изследвания София
- Център за академични изследвания София
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