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Стипендиантски семинар: Остаряла ли е вече „новата“ методология на ЕС за разширяването?

21 ноември 2024 @ 16:30 - 18:30

Lubomira Popova (BG-Swiss Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars, Oct ‘24 – Jul ‘25) is presenting on:

Is the “new” EU enlargement methodology already obsolete? An empirical reconstruction of the EU’s New enlargement methodology

on 21 November 2024 (Thursday), at 16:30.

Moderated by: Oleg Rusakovskiy

Abstract: The need for a reform of the EU’s enlargement policy under the pressure of the geopolitical circumstances has been clearly recognised by both researchers and experts. This effort requires a shift in the cognitive perspective, as most of the studies in the field have been constrained by the framework of the dominant rationalist approach, which was a) designed before the Eastern enlargement began, and b) aimed at universal theoretical understanding. The system of cultural, historical, political and economic specificities of the individual postcommunist societies have been omitted.

The project aims to change the mental map through which EU enlargement is being perceived by highlighting the fundamental logic of the enlargement methodology through its practical manifestation in the EU’s enlargement packages. We will apply a complex qualitative-quantitative analytical methodology to go beyond the official statements in the European Commission’s official communications on enlargement and country reports and reach a systematic structure of key policy characteristics. This knowledge will allow for some fundamental changes in the EU approach towards future enlargements, aiming at qualitatively different results  in much more successful Europeanisation of the applicant countries.


21 ноември 2024
16:30 - 18:30


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