Center for Advanced Study Sofia / Central European University Democracy Institute, Budapest
We invite applications for two Postdoctoral Fellow positions, one in Budapest and one in Sofia, within the project “Overcoming the Aggressor. Self-Perception and External Perception of an Actor Between Nations.” Directed by Prof. Dr Thomas Maissen (History Department, University of Heidelberg) and supported by a generous grant from the Daimler and Benz Foundation, this three-year international interdisciplinary project is investigating the identity-forming construction of national images of the enemy, which are shaped by aggressors from neighboring countries throughout Europe. A detailed description of the project and the researchers involved can be found here.
Each postdoctoral position allows for the conception and implementation of an English-or German-language book project over three years. The project can be freely formulated within the framework of the above-mentioned description. Successful applicants will work in cooperation with the broader academic network around the respective hosting institution, the Centre for Advanced Study in Sofia and the Central European University Democracy Institute in Budapest, and in cooperation with other senior and doctoral researchers involved in the project. All grantees actively participate in the further conceptualization of the project and in its events (e.g., graduate seminar, workshops) as well as in the institutional activities of the hosting institution. Apart from pursuing her/his research, the Fellow will thus be involved in constructing and consolidating an innovative interdisciplinary international research network, bringing together scholars from different academic cultures and engaging with the problems of historical canon-building and counter-canons, reconciliation, (re)nationalization, national grand narratives, and memory of violence in a comparative manner.
The successful candidate will be working in residence at the respective hosting institution (at least 120 days per academic year) but research stays abroad are also eligible for funding. The yearly grant ranges from 2300 to 3300 Euro/month net, depending on personal circumstances, career level, and the chosen location.
Eligibility requirement:
- Candidates must hold a PhD, earned not earlier than 7 years before the application is submitted (with maternity or paternity leaves and documented career breaks eligible for extension),
- they should have an outstanding research agenda, and a record of relevant and internationally recognized publications in the field,
- scientifically excellent project, which should have a comparative or transnational edge, going beyond studying only one national context,
- good knowledge of English and at least one language from East Central Europe, other language skills welcome.
The involved institutions stand for equal opportunities and diversity. Qualified female candidates are especially invited to apply. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preference if they are equally qualified.
Application deadline: June 30
The applications will be processed starting July 18, 2023. The positions will remain open until filled.
Starting date: October 1, 2023 (negotiable). The contract is for a maximum of 36 months. Informal inquiries about the residence institutions can be addressed to Dimitar Dimov, Project Coordinator, CAS Sofia ([email protected]), and Ágnes Kelemen, coordinator, CEU DI History Working Group ([email protected]).
Applications should contain:
- a motivation letter
- curriculum vitae
- copies of diplomas
- proof of language skills and professional experience
- one sample article or book chapter
- the names and addresses of two scholars, who can be contacted for letters of reference – and an outline of the project (max. 20,000 characters including spaces and bibliography).
Please send applications in electronic form (in one PDF file) and with the subject “Application for postdoc” to [email protected]