- Avramov, Roumen (Centre for Liberal Strategies): The Economics of the Revival Process (March – July 2012)
- Birjukov, Dmitry (Russian Christian Academy for the Humanities, Institute for the History of Christian Thought): The Doctrine of Universals as a Factor of Self-identity of Intellectual Culture of Byzantium (March – July 2012);
- Dimitrov, Georgi (Sofia University): Constantly New: Studies in Discontinuities and Transformations in Social Science (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Eckhardt, Benedikt (University of Münster): Graeco-Roman Voluntary Associations as Social Systems (March – June 2012)
- Erdbeer, Robert (University of Münster): Gaming with the Self. Aesthetic Modelling and the Ontology of Fiction (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Koleva, Svetla (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge): Everyday Citizenship as a Social and Cognitive Challenge: East-West Perspectives (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Kostadinova, Tonka (no permanent affiliation): International Community's Policies in the Post-Conflict Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage as Society-Building Model in Bosnia and Herzegovina (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Nikolchina, Miglena (Sofia University): The Humanism-Antihumanism Divide: the Concept of "Man" between the end of World War 2 and the Fall of the Berlin Wall (March – July 2012)
- Rozhdestvenskiy, Metodiy (no permanent affiliation): The Barbarian Rhetoric (March – July 2012)
- Stacul, Jaro (Grant MacEwan University, Edmonton): The Making and Unmaking of Political Subjectivities in Post-Socialist Poland (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Stepanov, Tsvetelin (Sofia University): Invading in/from the ‘Holy Land': Apocalyptic Metatext(s) and Sacred and/or Imagined Geography, 950-1200 (March – July 2012)
- Tenev, Darin (Sofia University): Possibility and Negativity (October 2012 – February 2013)
- Vushko, Iryna (Friedrich-Schiller University of Jena): From Empire to Nation State: the Habsburg Factor in European Politics, 1900-1925 (March – July 2012)
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