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GETTY-CAS Archaeological Schools: Spring School 2023
24 April 2023 - 30 April 2023

24-30 April 2023 / Sofia, Bulgaria
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
24 April, 2023 (Monday)
Venue: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
Address: Stefan Karadzha Str. 7, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
*The time-slots include 40 min. for presentation and 40 min. for discussion with a 10 min. break in between
09:45 – 10:00 Opening words
10:00 – 11:30 Michael Herzfeld (USA) / Harvard University, Department of Anthropology -“Spectrality: Past Polities in Urban Landscapes” / Moderator: Dimitris Plantzos
- 11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 13:15 John Carman (UK) / University of Birmingham, Department of History – “Loud and Silent Discourses of Heritage: Issues of Value and Ownership” [online lecture] Moderator: Evangelos Kyriakidis
- 13:15-14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 – 16:15 Gheorghe Alexandru Niculescu (Romania) / “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology – “Cultural heritage, identity politics and archaeological research” / Moderator: Dimitris Plantzos
- 16:15-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 Evangelos Kyriakidis (Greece) / The Heritage Management Organization – “Communities as the missing element – Techniques for community empowerment” / Moderator: Raimund Karl
- 18:00 Welcome dinner
25 April, 2023 (Tuesday)
10:00 – 11:30 Dimitris Plantzos (Greece) / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology – “Greek Heritage Wars I: Monuments of Division” / Moderator: Michael Herzfeld
- 11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 13:15 Raimund Karl (Austria) / University of Vienna, Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology – “Look, don’t touch!”: Ruskin, Dehio and Riegl and the authorized heritage discourse in Central European Archaeology” / Moderator: Hans Peter Hahn
- 13:15 – 14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 – 16:15 Michael Herzfeld (USA) / Harvard University – Department of Anthropology – “Visibilizing the Vernacular in Capital Cities” / Moderator: Gheorghe Alexandru Niculescu
- 16:15 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 Kalliopi Fouseki (UK) / UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage, Faculty of the Built Environment – “Unpacking the dynamics of contested historic urban landscapes: The case of the ‘New’ Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece” / Moderator: Evangelos Kyriakidis
26 April, 2023 (Wednesday)
10:00 – 11:30 Raimund Karl (Austria) / University of Vienna, Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology – “Sometimes (in)visible, but definitely intangible heritage: “Doing” archaeology for everyone, or with everyone (who wants to)?” / Moderator: Robin Skeates
- 11:30 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 13:15 Evangelos Kyriakidis (Greece) / The Heritage Management Organization – “Local versus Outsider Vision” / Moderator: Kalliopi Fouseki
- 13:15 – 14:45 Lunch Break
14:45 – 16:15 Hans Peter Hahn (Germany) / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Ethnologie Department – “The Heritage Curse. Ambivalencies of Heritagization” / Moderator: Raimund Karl
- 16:15-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 18:00 Robin Skeates (UK) / Durham University, Department of Archaeology – “The senses restrained: a critical history of archaeological representation in Malta” / Moderator: Michael Herzfeld
“The (in)visibility of archaeological heritage”
27 April, 2023 (Thursday)
Venue: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
Address: Stefan Karadzha Str. 7, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
*The time-slots include 25 min. for presentation and 25 min. for discussion
Morning session / Moderator: Gheorghe Alexandru Niculescu
09:00 – 09:50 Dimitris Plantzos (Greece) / National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology – “Greek Heritage Wars II: Monuments of Oblivion”
09:50 – 10:40 Michael Herzfeld (USA) / Harvard University, Department of Anthropology – “Selective Accumulation: Cultural Intimacy in the City”
- 10:40 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 11:50 Robin Skeates (UK) / Durham University, Department of Archaeology – “Interpreting the archaeological past through museum displays”
11:50 – 12:40 Hans Peter Hahn (Germany) / Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Ethnologie Department – “Discussing Critical Heritage Studies and the Responsibility of the Researcher for Contextualizing his/her Findings”
- 12:40 – 14:10 Lunch break
Afternoon session / Moderator: Dimitris Plantzos
14:10 – 15:00 Raimund Karl (Austria) / University of Vienna, Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology – “To observe and define is to know”: Logical positivism, the Vienna “School of Archaeology”, and their influence on Central European archaeological thought since c. 1892”
15:00 – 15:50 Stephanie Koerner (UK) / University of Liverpool, School of Architecture – “Wonder, Humility, Resonance, and Seeing the Hitherto Eclipsed Plurality of the Past Anew”
- 15:50 – 16:20 Coffee Break
16:20 – 17:10 Kalliopi Fouseki (UK) / UCL Institute for Sustainable Heritage, Faculty of the Built Environment – “Curating urban transformations through heritage – a deep cities approach”
17:10 – 18:00 Evangelos Kyriakidis (Greece) / The Heritage Management Organization – “Mind the Gap. The space that is missing as a predictive model for the future”
28 April (Friday)
Venue: Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
Address: Stefan Karadzha Str. 7, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
*The time-slots include 20 min. presentation and 10 min. discussion
- Morning session / Moderator: Gheorghe Alexandru Niculescu
09:30 – 10:00 Ivo Strahilov (Bulgaria) / Sofia University “Heritage reconstructions and reenactments: EU Funds, Tourism and Neoliberal Governmentality of Archaeological Sites”
10:00 – 10:30 Ana Veličković Kastratović (Serbia) / University of Belgrade “Serbia and Montenegro – two sides and problems of the same archaeological coin?”
10:30 – 11:00 Gökçe Kuzey Özdemir (Turkey) / Middle East Technical University “Defining the emergency preparedness processes against disaster risks in urban archaeological heritage areas”
- 11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 12:00 Hakan Tarhan (Turkey) / British Institute at Ankara “Public Perceptions of the Byzantine Heritage in Turkey”
12:00 – 12:30 Kyriaki Tsirtsi (Cyprus) / The Cyprus Institute “Interviewing ancient plant remains; their importance as cultural and natural heritage assets”
12:30 – 13:00 Alex Rodriguez Suarez (Spain) / Independent Researcher “The Bells of Melnik and Their Role in the Cultural Heritage Discourse of the National Museum of History (Sofia)“
- 13:00 – 14:30 Lunch Break
- Afternoon session / Moderator: Dimitris Plantzos
14:30 – 15:00 Dimitra Mazaraki (Greece) / Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne “Discourses of archaeological heritage from non-archaeologists: The case of a local community in Malia, Crete”
15:00 – 15:30 Miglena Stamberova (Bulgaria) / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences “Different time – different fortune. The destiny of some Bulgarian emblematic archaeological sites during the Communist period”
15:30 – 16:00 Huseyin Burak Soy (Turkey) / Middle East Technical University “The Cultural Heritage Discourses told by the Elites of the Aegean Shores – From the Age of Enlightenment to Modernity”
- 16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break
16:30 – 17:00 Rebecca Salem (USA) / New York University “Building Heritage: A Case Study of the Architectural Terracottas of the South Stoa at Corinth “
17:00 – 17:30 Nadire Aslan (Turkey) / Middle East Technical University “Aspects of Cultural Heritage: The Intrinsic Value of Archaeological Sites”
17:30 – 18:00 Christos Milionis (Greece) / Hellenic Open University – “Archaeology and the State: more than meets the eye”
18:00 – 19:00 “An Informal Seminar on Academic Pedagogy” by Michael Herzfeld
- 19:00 Farewell dinner
29 April, 2023 (Saturday)
11:00 – 14:00 National Archeological Museum, Sofia
30 April, 2023 (Sunday)
10:00 – 15:00 Archaeological site visit
- Start:
- 24 April 2023
- End:
- 30 April 2023
- Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
- Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3
Sofia, 1000 Bulgaria+ Google Map