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Discussion Series “Religion and Culture”: Dante and Islam – On the Center and the Periphery in the Hereafter and in This World

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Center for the Study of Religion (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) and the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia are pleased to announce the next seminar of the series Religion and Culture Topic for the 2022/2023 academic year: “Center and Periphery in Religions and Society” Moderator: Simeon Evstatiev You are cordially invited to a lecture...

CAS Discussion Series: “Why Byzantium?”: Why Byzantium in Bulgarian art studies

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Please note that this lecture is in Bulgarian! The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia hosts a discussion series under the theme: Why Byzantium? On the 30th May 2023 we will convene the fourth meeting of the series on the following topic: Why Byzantium in Bulgarian art studies Lecturer: Dr Margarita Kuyumdzhieva 30 May 2023 (Tuesday),...

CAS Discussion Series “Religion and Culture”: Ignaz Goldziher and Gesture Studies: From Periphery to Center?

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Center for the Study of Religion (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) and the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia are pleased to announce the next seminar of the series Religion and Culture Topic for the 2022/2023 academic year: “Center and Periphery in Religions and Society” Moderator: Simeon Evstatiev You are cordially invited to a lecture...

CAS-ACLS – Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe (SISECSE) 2023

American University in Bulgaria Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

The Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS), in partnership with the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), is pleased to announce the start of this year's Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe (SISECSE) CAS and ACLS will convene leading scholars from Eastern Europe and North America for a two-week residency in...

Fellow Seminar: Greek and Bulgarian Perceptions of National Catastrophes (1919-1922). A Comparative Approach

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Stamatia Fotiadou (Relevance of the Humanities Fellowships, March – July ’23) will present her research on: Greek and Bulgarian Perceptions of National Catastrophes (1919-1922). A Comparative Approach on 01 June, 2023 (Thursday) at 16:30 h. Moderated by Slavka Karakusheva. Abstract: Notwithstanding the fact that the ideological framework of Balkan nationalism as well as it’s implications...

Public lecture: Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty Dr Maria Dimova-Cookson This lecture provides an overview of Isaiah Berlin's concepts of positive and negative freedom as presented in his renowned 1958 essay, 'Two Concepts of Liberty.' The lecture emphasizes the Cold War context in which Berlin wrote his essay and highlights its continued relevance in today's political...

CAS Discussion Series “Religion and Culture”: Peripheral Christianity and Peripheral Islam in the South-Eastern Caucasus According to David of Gandzak (ca 1065–1140)

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Center for the Study of Religion (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski) and the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia are pleased to announce the next seminar of the series Religion and Culture Topic for the 2022/2023 academic year: “Center and Periphery in Religions and Society” Moderator: Simeon Evstatiev You are cordially invited to a lecture...

Fellow Seminar: Pop Music in the USSR – Show Business and the Advent of Capitalism

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Zbigniew Wojnowski (Advanced Academia Fellow, Jun ’22 – Jul ’22) will give his talk on: Pop Music in the USSR - Show Business and the Advent of Capitalism on 06 July, 2023 (Thursday) at 16:30 h. Moderated by Martin Valkov. This presentation explores the life and posthumous commemoration of the pop musician Volodymyr Ivasiuk. Although...

Opening of CAS Academic Year 2023/2024

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

On 3 October 2023 the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia marks the formal start of its regular academic activities for the forthcoming academic year 2023/2024.

Fellow seminar: Constructing Gender on Pilgrimage: Transformative Experiences of Women from the Eastern and Western Christian Societies in the Crusader Holy Land (1099-1291)

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dragos Năstăsoiu (Relevance of the Humanities Fellow, Oct ‘23 – Feb ‘24) will give his talk on: Constructing Gender on Pilgrimage: Transformative Experiences of Women from the Eastern and Western Christian Societies in the Crusader Holy Land (1099-1291) on 19 October, 2023 (Thursday) at 16:30 h. Moderated by Strahil Panayotov. Abstract: My research project examines...

Discussion Series “Economic and Social History”: Between the Sultan’s Order and Sheikh-ul-Islam’s Fatwa: Tobacco in the Bulgarian Lands in the 17th Century

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

Please note: this event is in Bulgarian! We would like to invite you to the upcoming lecture, part of the seminar: Economic (Social) History of Bulgaria: The Future through the Past Culture The discussion series continue with a lecture by Prof. Dr. Valentin Kitanov on: Between the Sultan's Order and Sheikh-ul-Islam's Fatwa: Tobacco in the...

GETTY-CAS Closing conference 2023

GETTY-CAS CLOSING CONFERENCE LOCAL AND GLOBAL IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE IN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ART HISTORY: A VIEW FROM SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE AND BEYOND 3-5 November 2023 Athens, Greece   Venue: "Alkis Argyriadis" Amphitheatre, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Main Building Address: Panepistimiou St. 30, Athens     3 November (Friday) *The time slots include...

Seminar within the international project “Historiographical Wars in the Balkans”

Centre for Advanced Study Sofia 7B Stefan Karadzha St, entr. 3, Sofia, Bulgaria

On 3 November 2023 at 16:30 at the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia will be held a Balkan studies seminar, part of the international project "Historiographical Wars in the Balkans", funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund. The two presenters will be Nathalie Clayer from the French National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris and Nedim...