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External Evaluation of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia

The scientific and institutional evaluation presented in this report was commissioned by the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia. The evaluation is conducted in accordance with the standards and procedures of the German Council of Sciences and Humanities (Wissenschaftsrat), responsible for the accreditation and evaluation of German universities and research organizations.

The Evaluation was performed by:

  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitt (Department of History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, University of Vienna), scholar of international reputation in the fields of the social history, politics and economy of Southeastern Europe, he is also member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  • Dr. Silviana Galassi (German Council of Sciences and Humanities – Wissenschaftsrat), expert in the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities. She has research background in the fields of history and law.

The full text of the Evaluation Report can be downloaded here.