The Center for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS) ( and the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE) at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in the University of St. Gallen ( have established a NETWORK of scholars from Southeastern and Western Europe devoted to the history of monastic economy. The goal of the NETWORK is to nurture research in this field in a comparative perspective and in view of the longue durée relevance of the monastic tradition for economic culture. The NETWORK supports the creation of a scholarly community by fostering intellectual debates, facilitating contacts and mobility, and bringing together academics from different thematic and institutional backgrounds. The first two workshops were organized and hosted by CAS in November 2017 and November 2018. The third one is scheduled for the autumn of 2019.
This Call is addressed to candidates willing to join the NETWORK. Part of its budget (2017-2019) is allocated to the granting on a competitive basis of RESEARCH ALLOWANCES.
Research tools eligible for funding include:
- Single (up to one month) or multiple (totaling up to one month) research stays abroad or in the home country (including travel costs, accommodation, per-diem)
- Organization of small seminars
- Invitation of eminent scholars in the field for guest lectures
- Handling of archival materials, images and databases
- Monastic case studies (research visits to specific monasteries; interviews…)
- Conference/Workshop attendance (participation fees; travel costs…)
- Other (proposed by the applicant)
- Publication costs are not eligible.
The relevant areas of research include, but are not limited to, topics such as: Economic activities of the monasteries; Monastic economy and market (capitalist) rationality; Relations with the State (including confiscations of monastic assets); Flow of financial funds in the monastic economy; Wealth management; Governance; Economy of the Holy Mountain (Mt. Athos) and other monastic sanctuaries. The time frame covers medieval, pre-modern and modern history as well as current trends in a longue durée historical perspective. The geographical coverage comprises the Orthodox realm in South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, FYRO Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, the institution of the Constantinople Patriarchate) and the Catholic/Protestant domain in the Western Balkans (Croatia, Slovenia) and Western Europe.
Candidates soliciting support may apply for particular tool(s) which is/are explicitly related to a broader project or an already structured academic initiative in the field of monastic economy. The application in English should contain an estimation of the costs and a working plan. Single project’s funding cannot exceed 3 000 euro per year. Continuation of funding is possible pending a new application.
The selection procedure, to be organized by CAS, includes anonymous reviews by two senior scholars invited by the Centre and a member of CAS’ academic staff. It is based on three core criteria: scientific excellence; relevance of the proposal; qualification of the candidate. The appropriateness of the budget is also evaluated.
There are no deadlines for the submission of applications. The consecutive evaluation sessions start: February 1, 2018; July 1, 2018; January 1, 2019; July 1, 2019. The selected projects are announced within a month.
The spending of the Research allowances is subject to strict accountability. Upon approval of the application, the grantee signs a contract with CAS. He/She is liable to present a report about his/her research activities (in English or in French) including, as well, the original documents testifying the incurred expenses. The support received from the NETWORK should be mentioned in the relevant publications.
Academic coordinator of the NETWORK:
Associate Professor Roumen Avramov
Permanent Fellow
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
Contact person:
Dimiter Dimov
Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
email: [email protected]