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Albena Hranova


Albena Hranova was born in 1962 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She graduated from an English Language School (1980) and Slavic Studies at Plovdiv University (1985). In December 1986 she was appointed an assisstant professor at the Department of Bulgarian Literature at the Faculty of Letters. She defended her PhD thesis in 1995 and in 1998 came her habilitation in Bulgarian literature. In 2009 she defened her Doctor of Sciences (Dr. Habil) thesis in Theory and History of Culture. Since 2011 she is a full professor at the Department of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy and History at Plovdiv University.

In the 1999-2019 period she was a participant in the research teams of ten national and international research projects. She was also a fellow at the Centre for Advanced Study – Sofia (1999-2000 and 2004-2005), at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna (2002), at the New Europe College, Bucharest (2002-2003), at NIAS, Wassenaar (2004).

Albena Hranova is an author of 150 articles published in Bulgarian, English, German, French, Czeck and Russian, and of the monoghraphs “The Two Bulgarian Literatures: The Limits of lyrical Context (1992), “The Person in Literature and His/Her Bulgarian Languages”(1995), “Approaches to the Fairy-Tale”(1998), “Language and Its Speeches”(2000), “Bulgarian Intertexts” (2002), “Historiography and Literature: On the Social Construction of Historical Concepts and Grand Narratives in 19th- and 20th-Century Bulgarian Culture “(Vol. I-II, 2011). She is also a co-author in nineteen manuals and textbooks in literature (2000-2020), and a member of the Editorial Board of Critique & Humanism.
