1969, Lycee de l’Alliance Francaise, Santiago de Chile
1974, M.S. from the Higher Institute of Economics, Department of Political Economy, Sofia.
1986, Ph.D. from the Higher Institute of Economics, Sofia; Ph.D. Thesis: “Business Fluctuations in Capitalist Economies – Sources, Mechanism, Methodology of Analysis”.
2013 – to present: Permanent Fellow, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
1994 – 2012: Programme Director (Economic Research) – Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia. (A non-profit, non-governmental, think-tank organization.)
1997 – 2002 : Member, Board of Governors of the Bulgarian National Bank
1991 – 1994: Vice-President and Acting President, Agency for Economic Coordination and Development (Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria).
1990 – 1991: Economic Adviser to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Zhelyu Zhelev.
1976 – 1990: Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
2012: Advanced Academia Fellowship. Centre for Advanced Study Sofia
2003: Visiting Fellow, Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna
1999: Centre for Central Banking Studies, Bank of England
1996: Phare-ACE Fellowship, Centre d’Etudes Prospectives et d’Informations Internationales (CEPII), Paris, France.
1995: Research Scholar, East European Studies, The Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
1984: Institute for World Economics and International Relations, Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR
- Bulgarian Macroeconomic Association
- The Friends of Mount Athos
- Head of the Board of Directors, Foundation “National Academic Libraries Information System”, (A non-profit, non-governmental organization established by Sofia University, The American University in Bulgaria and the Library of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) (2009 – to present)
- Convener of the Seminar “The future through the culture of the past: Bulgarian economic and social history”, organized by the Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia – a forum for debates among the community of economic and social historians (2004- 2014)
- Advisory Council, Institute for the Studies of the Recent Past Sofia (2008 – 2009)
- Academic Associate, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (2005-2007)
- “Past and Economy – The Bulgarian Economy in a Historical Perspective”, Course taught at the New Bulgarian University (2006)
- Advisory Council, Bulgarian National Bank (2004 – 2009)
- Advisory Board, The Red House, Centre for Culture and Debate. Sofia (2000-2007)
- Foreign Member of the Academic Council, Foundation “Bureau of Economic Analysis”, Moscow (1997 – 2003)
- Managing Board, Center for European Studies, Sofia (1992-1997)
- Member of the Board, Department of Economics, Sofia University “St.Kliment Okhridski”: (1991 – 1999; Associate Chairman, 1992-1994)
- National Statistical Council of Bulgaria (1991-1994)
- Bulgarian National Science Foundation, Committee on Social Sciences (1991-1993)
- Editorial Committee, Bulgarian National Bank (1997-2006)
- Bank Review, Journal of the Bulgarian National Bank (1992-1996)
- Discussion Papers Series, Bulgarian National Bank (1998 – 2002)
- Most-Most / Economic Policy in Transitional Economies, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1994 – 2002)
- Economie internationale, La revue du CEPII, La Documentation Francaise. (1995-2001, Scientific Committee member).
- Аdvisory Board, Editorial Program, “Open Society Fund”, Sofia (1991-1994)
- Evaluation Panel of the European Union’s PHARE/ACE Program (Action for Cooperation in the field of Economics) (1992; 1994; 1996, 1998)
- The World Bank – Russian Economic Policy Institute Project (February 1996)
- OECD – Economic Survey of Bulgaria, 1997, 1999
- Agenda for Civil Society in South Eastern Europe. How to Think About the Balkans: Culture, Region, Identities (NEXUS Project, 2001-2003, Economic Identities – South Eastern Europe and “Europe”
- After the Accession… The Socio-Economic Culture of Eastern Europe in the Enlarged Union: An Asset or a Liability? (2002 – 2003). IWM, Vienna and Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs Fund for Cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe. Economic Science in Bulgaria
- Eastern Enlargement – Western Enlargement. Cultural Encounters in the European Economy and Society after the Accession. (DIOSCURI Project, European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme, 2004 – 2007, Field III (Economic knowledge – Encounters between Western economists and their local partners) – Case studies (Bulgaria); Field III (Economic knowledge – Encounters between Western economists and their local partners) – Think Tanks in the World of Applied Economics. A Comparative View Across Eastern Europe (Comparative study)
- “Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro Area in the post-Lehman Brothers ‘ World”, Open Society Institute, Sofia, 2009
- CAPITO. Understanding Nascent Capitalism in Eastern Europe. Coordinated by the Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Vienna. 2010 – 2011. Supported by the Jubilaumsfonds of the Austrian National Bank
- REVISITING COMMUNISM. Collectivist Economic Thought in Historical Perspective. Coordinated by the Institut fur die Wissenschaften vom Menschen (IWM), Vienna. 2014 – 2018.
- DOES MONASTIC ECONOMY MATTER? RELIGIOUS PATTERNS OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. Academic coordinator of a NETWORK of scholars from South-Eastern and Western Europe devoted to the history of the monastic economy. A project of the Centre for Advances Study Sofia (CAS) and the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE) at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. 2016-2019.
- Economic history
- Economic culture
- Economy of the inter-ethnical conflicts
- Monastic economy
- Monetary economy and Central banking
- Economy of the Transition
- Business cycles
- History of economic ideas
Икономика на „Възродителния процес”. С. Център за академични изследвания/Рива. 2016. 760 с. [The Economy of the “Revival Process” (the forced assimilation of the Turkish minority in Bulgaria, 1985-1989). Centre for Advanced Study/Riva. Sofia, 2016. 760 p.]
„Спасение” и падение. Микроикономика на държавния антисемитизъм в България 1940-1944 г. С. Университетско издателство „св. Климент Охридски”. 2012. 264 с. [Salvation” and Abjection. Microeconomics of State Anti-Semitism in Bulgaria, 1940-1944. Sofia University Press. 2012. 264 p.]
Пари и де/стабилизация в България, 1948-1989. С. CIELA. Институт за изследване на близкото минало. 2008. 339 с. [Мoney and De/Stabilization in Bulgaria, 1948-1989. Institute for Studies of the Recent Past / CIELA Publ. Sofia, 2008. 339 p.]
Комуналният капитализъм. Из българското стопанско минало. (т.І-ІІІ). С. Фондация „Българска наука и изкуство” и Център за либерални стратегии. 2007. 2191 с. [Communal Capitalism. Reflections on the Bulgarian Economic Past. (vol. I-ІІІ). Foundation “Balgarska Nauka i Izkustvo” and Centre for Liberal Strategies. Sofia, 2007. 2191 p.]
Стопанският ХХ век на България. С. Център за либерални стратегии. 2001. 150 с. [The XXth Century Bulgarian Economy. Centre for Liberal Strategies. Sofia, 2001. 150 p.]
Икономически цикли и кризи при капитализма. С. Наука и изкуство. 1988. 146 с. [Business Cycles and Economic Crises in Capitalist Economy, Nauka i Izkustvo Publ. Sofia, 1988. 146 p.]
Edited volumes
Депортирането на евреите от Вардарска Македония, Беломорска Тракия и Пирот. Март 1943 г. Документи от българските архиви. Съставителство и обща редакция: Надя Данова и Румен Аврамов. т. I-II. Обединени издатели. С. 2013. [The Deportation of the Jews from Western Thrace, Vardar’s Macedonia and Pirot. March 1943. Documents from the Bulgarian Archives. Edited by Nadia Danova and Roumen Avramov. Vol. I-II. Obedineni izdateli Publ. Sofia. 2013.]
Асен Христофоров. Избрани произведения и документи в три тома. Обща редакция и встъпителна студия – Румен Аврамов. БНБ. С. 2010. [Assen Christophoroff. Selected Writings and Documents (vol. I-III). Edited and presented by Roumen Avramov. Bulgarian National Bank. Sofia. 2010.]
Roumen Avramov, Sevket Pamuk [Editors]. Monetary and Fiscal Policies in South-East Europe. Historical and Comparative Perspective. First general Meeting of the South-East Europe Monetary History Network, 13-14 April 2006, Sofia. Conference Proceedings. Bulgarian National Bank. 2006.
Българска народна банка – Сборник документи т.I, 1879 – 1900 (1998); т.II, 1901 – 1914 (1999); т.IIІ, 1915 – 1929 (2001); т. ІV, 1930 – 1948 (2004); т. V (част І-ІV), 1948-1990 (2009). Под общата редакция на Р. Аврамов. София. Главно управление на архивите, Българска народна банка. [Bulgarian National Bank, Selected Documents, vol. I, 1879 – 1900 (1998); vol. II, 1901 – 1914 (1999); vol. III, 1915 – 1929 (2001); vol. IV, 1930-1947 (2004); vol. V (Parts I-IV), 1948-1990 (2009). Selected by Roumen Avramov and Hristo Yanovski. Edited and Presented by Roumen Avramov. National Archives of Bulgaria and Bulgarian National Bank.]
Petya Kabakchieva, Roumen Avramov [Editors]. “East”-“Wеst” Cultural Encounters. Entrepreneurship, Governance, Economic Knowledge, “Iztok-Zapad” Publishers. Sofia, 2004.
120 Years Bulgarian National Bank, 1879 – 1999, (An annotated chronology). Bulgarian National Bank, 1999.
Стоян Бочев. Капитализмът в България. Фондация “Българска наука и култура”, С. 1998. Съставителство и встъпителна студия на Румен Аврамов [The Capitalism in Bulgaria. Selected Economic Writings (1911 – 1935) by Stefan Bochev. Edited and Presented by Roumen Avramov. Sofia, 1998.]
R. Avramov, V.Antonov [Editors]. Economic Transition in Bulgaria, Agency for Economic Coordination and Development, Sofia, 1994
Book chapters
Четейки архивите на депортацията. В: Депортирането на евреите от Вардарска Македония, Беломорска Тракия и Пирот. Март 1943 г. Съставителство и обща редакция: Надя Данова и Румен Аврамов. т. I. Обединени издатели. С. 2013. с. 11-35. [Reading the Archives of the Deportation. In: The Deportation of the Jews from Western Thrace, Vardar’s Macedonia and Pirot. March 1943. Documents from the Bulgarian Archives. Edited by Nadia Danova and Roumen Avramov. Vol. I. Obedineni izdateli Publ.. Sofia. 2013. p. 11-35.]
Anchialo, 1906: The Political Economy of an Ethnic Clash. In: Social Transformation and Mass Mobilisation in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean Cities, 1900-1923. Edited by Andreas Lyberatos. Crete University Press. Heraklion. 2013. pp. 195-228.
The Sinuous Path of New Institutional Economics in Bulgaria. In: Capitalism from Outside? Economic Cultures in Eastern Europe after 1989. Edited by Janos Matyas Kovacs and Violetta Zentai. CEU Press. 2012. pp. 223-240.
Двуизмерният талант. За икономиста и писателя Асен Христофоров. В: Асен Христофоров. Избрани произведения и документи в три тома. Обща редакция и встъпителна студия – Румен Аврамов. БНБ. С. 2010. с. 7-52. [The Two-Dimensional Talent. Assen Christophoroff – The Economist and The Author. In: Assen Christophoroff. Selected Writings and Documents (vol. I-III). Selected by Roumen Avramov and Hristo Yanovski. Edited and presented by Roumen Avramov. Bulgarian National Bank. Sofia. 2010.]
Think Tanks in the World of Applied Economics. A comparative Study in Eastern Europe. 2007. DIOSCURI Project.
The Bulgarian National Bank in a Historical Perspective: Shaping an Institution, Searching for a Monetary Standard. In: Roumen Avramov, Sevket Pamuk (Editors) – Monetary and Fiscal Policies in South-East Europe. Historical and Comparative Perspective. Bulgarian National Bank. 2006. p. 93-108.
Notes on Economic Science in Bulgaria. In: “East” – “Wеst” Cultural Encounters. Entrepreneurship, Governance, Economic Knowledge. Edited by Petya Kabakchieva and Roumen Avramov. “Iztok-Zapad” Publishers. Sofia, 2004. p. 311-359.
Advising, conditionality, culture: money doctors in Bulgaria, 1900-2000. In: Money Doctors. The international financial advising 1850-2000, Edited by Marc Flandreau. London. Routledge. 2003. p.190-215.
Economic Identities – South-Eastern Europe and “Europe, NEXUS Research Project. 2003.
Неосъщественият консервативен манифест в България. Уводна студия към: Стоян Бочев – Капитализмът в България, Съставителство и редакция – Румен Аврамов, Фондация “Българска наука и култура”. С. 1998. с.11 – 90. [The Unrealized Conservative Manifesto in Bulgaria. In: S. Bochev. The Capitalism in Bulgaria. Selected Economic Writings (1911 – 1935. Selected and Edited by R.Avramov. Sofia, 1998, p. 13 – 90.]
Macroeconomic Stabilization: Three Years Later. In R.Avramov, V.Antonov [Editors]. Economic Transition in Bulgaria. Agency for Economic Coordination and Development. Sofia. 1994. p. 10-35.
Антицикличната политика през 70-те и началото на 80-те години. В: Антициклично и структурно регулиране в развитите капиталистически страни през 70-те и началото на 80-те години. С. Издателство на БАН. 1986. с.9-74. [Anticyclical Policy During the Seventies and the Eighties. In: H. Nokov [ed.]. Antyciclical and Structural Policies in the Developed Capitalist Economies in the Seventies and the Eighties. BAN Publishing House. Sofia. 1986. p. 9-74]
Структурни и динамични зависимости в капиталистическата икономика (Относно отраслевия аспект на цикличния механизъм). В: Съвременни аспекти на функционирането на капиталистическата икономика. С. Издателство на БАН. 1984. с.7-76. [Structural and Dynamical Relationships in the Capitalist Economy (On the Sectoral Aspects of the Cyclical Mechanism). In S. Kodinov [ed.., Current Aspects of the Functioning of the Capitalist Economy. BAN Publishing House. Sofia. 1984. p. 7-76.]
Articles/Conference papers
The Microeconomics of State Antisemitism. Expropriating the Jews under Bulgarian Rule, 1941-1944 , in: S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation 3 (2016) 2, 71-82.
Bulgaria in Europe – Societal Legacies, Models and Targets. A Personal Outlook , Euxeinos 21 / 2016, 33-39.
Les spoliations des Juifs de Bulgarie et des territoires sous administration bulgare. In : Nadège Ragaru (dir.), La Shoah en Europe du Sud-Est : les Juifs en Bulgarie et dans les terres sous administration bulgare (1941-1944). Actes du colloque des 9 et 10 juin 2013, éditions du Mémorial de la Shoah [En ligne], p. 64-80, mis en ligne le 28/07/2014. ISBN 978-2-916966-68-7
Двайсет години след това… Бележки върху (соц)носталгията. В: Българският комунизъм. Дебати и интерпретации. Съставителство и редакция Михаил Груев и Диана Мишкова. Център за академични изследвания. С. 2013. сс. 229-244. [Twenty Years Later… Remarks on (Socialist) Nostalgia. In: Bulgarian Communism. Debates and Interpretations. Edited by Diana Mishkova and Michail Gruev. Centre for Advanced Study Sofia. 2013. pp. 229-243.]
Политическа икономия на солта: етнически конфликти и икономика в Анхиало от началото на ХХ век. В: Светът на солта. Доклади от Научна конференция, посветена на 10-годишнината от откриването на Музея на солта, Поморие 4-5 септември 2012 г. Съставители: Милчо Скумов , Елена Йорданова. Либра Скорп. Бургас. 2012- с. 45-61. [The Political Economy of Salt: Ethnic Conflicts and Economy in Early XX century’s Anchialo. In: The World of Salt. Proceeding from the Conference dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of the Salt Museum,Pomorie, 4-5 September 2012. Edited by Milcho Skumov and Elena Iordanova. Libra Scorp. Burgas. pp. 45-61.]
Микроикономика на антисемитизма. Българската държава „аризира” „еврейските” акционерни дружества, 1941-1944 г., Критика и хуманизъм кн. 37, бр. 2/2011, с. 265-282. [Microeconomics of anti-semitism. The Bulgarian State “arianizes” the “Jewish” Shareholders Companies, 1941-1944, Kritika i Hhumanizam 37, 2011/2, p. 265-282.]
Fuzzy Expectations, Hybrid Realities, Moving Targets, Tr@nsit_online
Money and economic de/stabilization in Bulgaria: a view from the communist files, Paper presented at the XV World Economic History Congress, Utrecht, 3-7 August 2009
R. Avramov, Dragana Gnjatović. Stabilization policies in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia during communism’s terminal years: 1980s economic visions in retrospect. Bank of Greece Working Papers № 81, July 2008.
Currency Board et stabilite macroeconomique: le cas de la Bulgarie, Revue de l’OFCE, n.72, janvier 2000, p. 71-98.
The Role of a Currency Board in Financial Crises: The Case of Bulgaria. Bulgarian National Bank, Discussion Papers, DP/6/1999.
R. Avramov, Jerome Sgard. From Enterprise Indiscipline to Financial Crisis. MOST-MOCT vol.6, 1996/4, pp. 71-102.
The Bulgarian Economy: Transition in the Transition. East European Studies, Occasional Paper N.45, May 1996, The Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington D.C.
R. Avramov, Kamen Guenov. The Economy in Transition: Enterprise Behavior in the State-Owned Sector. Bank Review, Journal of the Bulgarian National Bank, 1995/3, p. 36-52.
R. Avramov, Kamen Guenov. The Rebirth of Capitalism in Bulgaria. Bank Review, Journal of the Bulgarian National Bank, 1995/2, p. 36-56.
The Limits of Macroeconomic Stabilization of an Economy in Transition: the Case of Bulgaria, Moct-Most 1993/1, p. 63-87.
Теория длинных волн: исторический контекст и методологические пролемы. Вопросы экономики 1992/10. с. 63-68. [Paper presented at the N.D.Kondratiev Centenary Conference, Moscow-St.Petersburg, 17-22 March 1992]
Цикличността в българската икономика: външни шокове и вътрешни фактори. Икономическа мисъл. 1990/2, с.13-29. [Cycles in the Bulgarian Economy: External Shocks and Internal Factors. Ikonomicheska Misal 1990/2, p. 13-29]
Cycles in the Bulgarian Economy: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Analysis. Economic Thought, Review of the Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,1990, p. 25-37.
Typology of the Business Cycles – Principles and Methods of Analysis. Economic Thought, Review of the Institute of Economics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1986, p. 135-151.
La Emigracion Bulgara en Argentina [1900-1940], Estudios Latinoamericanos 13 [1990], Varsovia, p. 225-255.
По повод “Дългите вълни” на Кондратиев. Икономическа мисъл 1986/3, с. 109-115. [On the “Kondratiev Long Waves”, Ikonomicheska Misal 1986/3, pp. 109-115.]