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Daniel Smilov


Brief Infromation

Dr Daniel Smilov holds two doctoral degrees in Legal Studies – from the University of Oxford (2003) and Central European University, Budapest (1999). His doctoral research addressed the topics of Judicial Discretion in Constitutional Jurisprudence (Oxford) and Legal Regulation of Political Finance (CEU). Among his scholarships and awards are the prestigious Jean Monnet Module Lectureship in European Constitutionalism (2002-2010), the International Policy Fellowship of the Open Society, Budapest (2001-2002), the Soros/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening Scholarship for University of Oxford (1996) – to mention just a few. He is also a former Fellow of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofi a within the PLEXUS Project framework (2004-2005).

Dr Smilov's professional interests are in comparative constitutional and administrative law, legal theory, party funding and corruption, political parties. Besides an impressive number of articles and chapters in Bulgarian and international journals and books, he has authored, co-authored and coedited several works, including Political Finance and Corruption in Eastern Europe: The Transition Period (together with Jurij Toplak, eds., Ashgate, 2007); From the Ground Up: Assessing the Record of Anticorruption Assistance in Southeast Europe (together with Martin Tisne, Central European University Press, Budapest, 2004); Administrative Law in Central and Eastern Europe 1996-1998 (together with Denis J. Galligan, CEU Press, Budapest, 1999).

Dr Smilov is Member of the Committee on Party Funding and Corruption of the International Political Science Association (IPSA). Amongst his former memberships in research and policy advisory projects are Member of the METRIS Project of DG Research of the European Commission (2008); Programme Director of the Law Programmes at the Centre for Liberal Strategies (2004-present), Member of the Forum on Constitutionalism in Europe of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (2003-2004); Member of the Steering Committee of the project Assessment of Anti-corruption in South East Europe: Lessons Learned (2003-2004).
