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Mariana Bodnaruk


Mariana Bodnaruk received her PhD in Medieval Studies from the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary) in 2019, with her doctoral project titled “Production of Distinction: The Representation of Senatorial Elites in the Later Roman Empire, 306-395.” Since 2019 she is a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Al-Quds Bard College for Arts and Sciences, East Jerusalem. She works on the social and cultural history of late antiquity, epigraphy, early and middle Byzantine hagiography and iconography, history of precapitalist modes of production, and intersectional feminism.

Her recent and forthcoming publications include: “Producing Distinction: Aristocratic and Imperial Representation in the Constantinian Age.” In: Shifting Genres in Late Antiquity, eds. Geoffrey Greatrex and Hugh Elton (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015), 135-55; “Administering the Empire: The Unmaking of an Equestrian Elite in the Fourth Century CE.” In: Official Power and Local Elites in the Roman Provinces, eds. Rada Varga and Viorica Rusu-Bolindeţ (London: Routledge, 2017), 145-67; and “Late Antique Slavery in Epigraphic Evidence.” In: Slavery on the Margins of Empire: Perspectives from Late Antiquity, eds. Chris de Wet, Maijastina Kahlos, and Ville Vuolanto (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) (forthcoming).
