Dr. Martin Belov is Associate Professor in Constitutional and Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Sofia ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’. He has been a guest lecturer and visiting professor at the University of Paris II Pantheon-Assas, France (2019), University Roma Tre, Italy (2019), European Academy of Legal Theory and the ‘Goethe’ University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany (2019), University of Girona, Spain (2019), University ‘Pompeu Fabra’, Barcelona, Spain (2019), Europa-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany (2017 and 2018), University of Bari, Italy (2018), European Law and Governance School, Athens (2017-2018), University of Södertorn, Stockholm, Sweden (2017), Scuolla Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy (2016), Berufsakademie Sachsen, Staatlichen Studienakademie, Bautzen (Germany), University of Warsaw, Poland (2015), University of Lodz, Poland (2015), University of Lisbon, Portugal (2012), State University of Milan, Italy (2011) and University of Cologne, Germany (2007-2009).
Martin Belov has been project researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for European Legal History, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (2010-2012) and visiting researcher at the Institute for Federalism, Fribourg, Switzerland (2014). He has specialized at the University of Oxford (UK) (2017); Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, Germany (2009); Technical University of Dresden, Germany (2006); University of Gent, Belgium (2004); University of Strasbourg ‘Robert Schumann’, France (2003); University of Hamburg, Germany (2002-2003); European Academy for Legal Theory, Brussels, Belgium (2001) and the University of Vienna, Austria (2001).
Martin Belov is president of the Sofia Legal Science Network. He is member of the European Group of Public Law, International Association of Legislation, the Advisory Board of the Central and Eastern European Forum of Young Legal, Political and Social Theorists, Bulgarian Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Bulgarian Scientists Union, section “Legal Sciences” and other scientific and academic organizations.
Martin Belov is member of the scientific boards of the following academic journals: New Authoritarianisms and Democracies (NAD-DIS) Journal, published by the University of Milano, Italy https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/NAD/about/displayMembership/217, “Jus et Salus’ Journal, published by University ‘Roma Tre’, Italy, and ‘Collection of Papers’ Journal of the University of Nis, Serbia.
Martin Belov speaks English, German, Russian, French and Bulgarian (mother tongue).
Martin Belov has published 14 books and more than 80 scientific papers.