The overarching objective of PREVEX is to put forward more fine-tuned and effective approaches to preventing violent extremism. Focusing on the broader MENA region and the Balkans, context-sensitive, in-depth case studies of the occurrence and non-occurrence of violent extremism will be carried out and then brought together in a regional comparison. In doing so, PREVEX will seek to improve the understanding of how different drivers of violent extremism operate. Particular emphasis will be placed on how to strengthen resilience through investigating the non-occurrence of violent extremism in ‘enabling environments’. The project consists of a carefully assembled team of area and subject experts, representing both EU member states and the regions analyzed. The project will be implemented under the Horizon 2020 EU grant scheme.
The Norwegian Institute of International Affairs is the project coordinator, while the Centre for Advanced Study is involved as a partner institution coordinating the research activities related to the Balkan region.
The other project participants are the following institutions: Kobenhavns Universitet (Denmark), Universitaet Leipzig (Germany), Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant’anna (Italy), Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (France), Centre for European Policy Studies (Belgium), European University Institute (Italy), Beogradski Centar za Bezbednosnu Politiku Udruzenje (Serbia), Atlantska Inicijativa (Bosna and Hercegovina), Group for Legal and Political Studies (Kosovo), Institute for Democracy and Mediation (Albania), Universite Al Akhawayn d’Ifrane (Morocco), Alliance pour Refonder la Gouvernance en Afrique (Senegal), Middle East Research Institute (Iraq).
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870724.