The programme is aimed at stimulating and promoting the creative work of artists from various fields – writers, musicians, painters, sculptors, actors, film directors, architects, etc. by integrating them in a community of human and social scholars and spurring interaction between theoretical research and the arts.
CAS Current Programmes
RE-ENGAGE Project (Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions)
RE-ENGAGE Project: Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the EU has responded by re-engaging with the Union’s...
Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship
'Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship' project presents a valuable funding opportunity for the crisis affected Ukrainian academia in these unprecedented times of war. The programme will support postdoc researchers from the regions struck by Russian aggression. It will contribute to the wider cause of reviving and strengthening the Ukrainian academic infrastructure at home and beyond.
Pforzheimer Fellowship Programme
The programme, supported by a donation of the American philanthropist and bibliophile Carl H. Pforzheimer III, provides for three 5-month scholarships per year to outstanding Bulgarian researchers and university professors.
Independent Bulgarian-Swiss Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars and Bulgarian Academic Diaspora
The programme is financed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science and provides support for young Bulgarian scientists and researchers from the Bulgarian diaspora. It envisages: a) 5 nine-month scholarships per year for young Bulgarian scholars (including one month in a foreign institution); b) 2 three-month scholarships per year for representatives of the Bulgarian academic diaspora working in foreign academic institutions.
Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe
The Summer Institute for the Study of East Central and Southeastern Europe (SISECSE) is created to enable scholars to undertake research, writing, and local fieldwork in Bulgaria and engage in interdisciplinary discussions.
Gerda Henkel Fellowships
Gerda-Henkel Fellowships (2016-2022) are aimed at scholars in the field of the historical Humanities and Social Sciences that come from the former Soviet space and Turkey. There are no thematic restrictions as regards the proposed project topics.
Advanced Academia Fellowship Platform
This platform, which brings together CAS individual-fellowship programmes, grants possibilities for conducting independent social-science and humanities research in an international, multidisciplinary environment, without restrictions in the selected areas of study - an approach intended to stimulate excellent scholarship at the highest international level.
Social Relevance of the Humanities
RevHum fellowship program, proposed jointly by the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia and the New Europe College Bucharest and developed with the financial support of the Porticus Foundation, aims to underscore the cognitive functions of the humanities and their potential as critical disciplines by opening them up to issues relevant in/for the contemporary digital world – issues that are “practical”, but also epistemological, ethical, philosophical, etc. The program is intended to accommodate a broadest range of themes pertaining to humanities and social science disciplines provided that they link up to contemporary debates about or major challenges to the human condition.
CAS Completed Programmes
The Construction of Knowledge in Archaeology and Art History in Southeastern Europe
With this Program, we aim to investigate the ways historical knowledge is constructed through the disciplines of archaeology and art history in Southeastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Cyprus, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and the Turkish province of East Thrace). Based on the observation that the culture-historical way of thinking about past cultures remains dominant in our region, we envisage understanding why this is so; at the same time, we wish to encourage the construction and deployment of a new theoretical and methodological framework that will enable us to look at the cultural past(s) of our region in multi-modal and cross-disciplinary ways.
PREVEX: Preventing Violent Extremism in the Balkans and the MENA: Strengthening Resilience in Enabling Environments
The overarching objective of PREVEX is to put forward more fine-tuned and effective approaches to preventing violent extremism. Focusing on the broader MENA region and the Balkans, context-sensitive, in-depth case studies of the occurrence and non-occurrence of violent extremism will be carried out and then brought together in a regional comparison.
Lost in Transition: Social Sciences, Scenarios of Transformation, and Cognitive Dissonances in East Central Europe after 1989
The project seeks to place the current anti-liberal and anti-democratic backlash in Eastern Europe, arguably manifesting the all-European socio-political and ideological crisis in its most acute form, into a comparative historical perspective. It raises fundamental questions concerning the intellectual contribution and responsibility of those local and international actors (scholars, experts, think-tanks, NGOs, public intellectuals, etc.) who devised roadmaps for the transition to liberal democracy and market economy, and the interplay of these roadmaps and the realities “on the ground”.
Challenges Facing the Future of Social Sciences and Humanities
Pilot phase project of the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, 2019-2022, supported by the Centre for Culture and Governance in Europe, University of St. Gallen. It tries to provide a detailed comparative analysis of the current evaluation policies in both minor and major non-English-speaking countries (a) such as e.g. Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Slovenia, the Baltic States, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary, as well as (b) those somewhat better positioned with regard to research funding, such as e.g. Holland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and juxtapose these with the situation in countries like Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Spain.
CAS Discussion Series: Forms of Ownership – Property in Communist Bulgaria
The inspiration behind the seminar series is the paucity of systematic research on ownership in Bulgaria’s recent history that has not been comprehensively covered at university level, either by the faculties of History and Social Sciences, or by economics and Philosophy. A possible reason for its neglection is the relatively short historical period since the fall of the communist regime which puts certain limits to any disinterested academic evaluation. In addition, Bulgarian academics seem to be repulsed by the monotonous ideological clichés that were imposed by the regime on ownership, and thus avoid their scholarly deconstruction.