Completed Programmes

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EUBORDERSCAPES (Bordering, Political Landscapes and Social Arenas: Potentials and Challenges of Evolving Border Concepts in a post-Cold War World) is a large-scale international research project that investigates and interprets conceptual change in the study of borders, in relation to the fundamental social, economic, cultural and geopolitical transformations that have taken place in the past decades.


RAGE (Hate Speech and Populist Othering in Europe: through the Racism, Age, Gender Looking Glass) is a comparative research project funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General Justice, under the Scientific Programme “Fundamental Rights and Citizenship”. The project examines populist political discourse and its effect on those “othered” by such discourse, particularly in the context of economic austerity and dwindling opportunities for young people.

European Regions and Boundaries: A Conceptual History

A key objective of the project is to go beyond the usual discussions on the heuristics of historical regions and expand the toolkit of conceptual history by not just following a conceptual itinerary per se, but contextualizing this itinerary in terms of the changing political, cultural and especially disciplinary contexts. On the whole, this would help us "temporalize" our spatial terminology, and in turn, analyze the ways historical change is encapsulated by spatial categories.

Negotiating Modernity: History of Modern Political Thought in East-Central Europe

Negotiating Modernity: History of Modern Political Thought in East-Central Europe

The Negotiating Modernity Project maps the history of East-Central European political thought from the late eighteenth to the early twenty-first century. Paying attention to both the intra- and extra-regional interferences, and breaking the duality of Western “core” and Eastern “periphery”, it is meant to contribute to the emergence of a truly European perspective of intellectual history. The researchers answer questions about the key components of European political thought, formulated on the basis of a regional and trans-regional comparative analysis.

Modernity and Identity

The "Modernity and Identity" programme for independent research grants is financed by the Bulgarian Fund for Scientific Research and is intended to support young and excellent Bulgarian scholars from the field of the social sciences and the humanities with various thematic, disciplinary and methodological interests.

Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity and Identity, 1900-1945, in East-Central, Southeastern and Northern Europe

The “Regimes of Historicity” project has undertaken a comparative analysis of the various ideological traditions dealing with the connection between modernity and historicity, modernity and temporality, in three “small-culture” European regions: East-Central, Southeastern, and Northern Europe. It has aimed to reconstruct the ways in which different “temporalities” and time horizons produced alternative (national) representations of the past.



Within the framework of the SCOPES Program the Seminar für Zeitgeschichte, Department of Contemporary History, Religious Science and Social Anthropology of the University of Fribourg and the Centre for Advanced Study Sofia seek to facilitate network co-operation between scholars and institutions with the aim to promote excellent cross-cultural research and develop a new curriculum in studying modern nationalism in the “small states” of Europe. This co-operation can only be realized through intensive and regular interaction and socialization between the participants representing divergent academic and cultural backgrounds.

DIOSCURI: Eastern Enlargement – Western Enlargement. Cultural Encounters in the European Economy and Society

Eastern Enlargement – Western Enlargement. Cultural Encounters in the European Economy and Society DIOSCURI project focuses on current encounters in Europe to predict the convergence between the twin economic cultures of the “East” and the “West”. The research fields – entre­preneurship, governance and economic knowledge – are being explored in four East-Central European countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia) and in four countries of Southeast Europe (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania and Serbia/Montenegro). The selection of the fields is based on the conviction that among the producers of economic culture, businesspeople, civil servants and economists exert a vast influence on the economic performance of the Union and the social cohesion between the old and the new member states. Instead of relying on a simplistic scheme, in which the “strong Western” culture devours the “weak Eastern” one, the Consortium expects to find a great variety of lasting cultural hybrids in economic and social behaviour. Thus, in an unprecedented way, Eastern Enlargement are being studied in conjunction with its neglected counterpart, Western Enlargement.

CAS History Club

CAS History Club is a form of scholarly interchange, a kind of “advanced seminars”, attracting local scholars from a great many institutions. The society of the History Club, the first of its kind under the CAS roof, has by now established a tradition and a momentum of its own. Its focus-group sessions provide a forum for in-depth discussions of original historical research. Since the beginning of 2006 a new section “The Ottoman Balkans, 18th-19th centuries”, was launched in the framework of the Club. It is initiated and convened mainly by doctoral students affiliated to the Institute for Balkan Studies, Sofia University and the Institute of History.