- Barova, Vihra – Social Stratification and Youth Subcultures after 1989 (from dissidents to workers)
- Detcheva, Violeta – Redirecting National Identification by the Communist Regime in Bulgaria 1944–1950
- Evstatiev, Simeon – The Qāḍīzādeli Movement and the Spread of Islamic Revivalism in the Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Ottoman Empire: Preliminary Notes
- Lutskanov, Rosen – The Significant Other. The interactive shaping of the disciplinary identities of philosophy and mathematics through history
- Nikolchina, Miglena – The Humanism-Antihumanism Divide: The Concept of “Man” between the End of World War 2 and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Popova, Kristina – ‘The Joy of Service’. Biopolitics and Biographies Between New York, Sofia and Gorna Dzhumaja in the First Half of the 20th Century
- Rozhdestvenskiy, Metodiy – ‘Claiming What Belongs to the Others’: On Barbarian Rhetoric in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages
- Schmidt, Henrike – Mimicry Games, or The Creation of the Literary Canon as Art: Fictitious Anthologies in (Post)Modern Bulgarian Literature
- Slavova, Petya – Lawyers and the Socialist Regime in Bulgaria: The Sovietization of the Profession and Local Resistance Practices
- Stepanov, Tsvetelin – Invading in/from the ‘Holy Land’: Apocalyptic Metatext(s) and Sacred and/or Imagined Geography, 950–1200
- Todorov, Boris – Holy Rulers and the Integration of the Medieval Serbian Space
- Vachkova, Vesselina – The Byzantine Memories of Sofia
- Znepolski, Boyan – How to Criticize Our Society Without Destroying It
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