CAS WORKING PAPER SERIES, Issue: 8/2017 (available on CEEOL)
- Teodora Karamelska – “Mind, Body, and Spirit ”
- Grigor Boykov – Building a Capital City in the Balkans
- Ştefania Costache – To Subordinate or to Assist? French Experts and Early Approaches to International Investment in the Ottoman Empire (1856–1867)
- Elka Dimitrova – The Marginal Intellectual
- Dimitrios Gkintidis – Docile Elites, Lumpen People, Spoiled Country
- Raluca Elena Golesteanu – The Towns of Drohobycz and Roman in the Work of Bruno Schulz (1892–1942) and Max Blecher (1909–1938)
- Cristian Cercel – Memory Discourses on the Deportation of Romanian Germans to the Soviet Union in a Transnational and Transcultural Context
- Mihai Olaru – Recordkeeping and State Making. The County Registers in Wallachia, 1775–1831
- Dimitrina Popova – Vernacular Park Architecture among the Prefabricated Concrete Housings in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Konstantin Golev – Witch Hunt in the Mongol Empire
- Velislava Petrova – Why Garbage Matters
- Snezhana Rakova – Between the Sultan and the Doge: Diplomats and Spies in the Time of Suleiman the Magnificent
- Rory Yeomans – Between Terror and Self-Transformation: Petition Writing, Subjectivity and Survival under Ustasha Rule, 1941–1942