CAS WORKING PAPER SERIES, Issue: 10/2018 (available on CEEOL)
- Pantelis Charalampakis, The Social, Fiscal and Administrative Status of the Early Slavic People Within the Byzantine State (7th-10th c.)
- Maya Grekova, What is Wrong with the Process of “Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society”: The Case of Education
- Hristo Gyoshev, Grounding Recognition Anew: Challenges to Honneth’s Recognition Paradigm and Possibilities of Empirical Support for the Critical Social Theory
- Milena Iakimova, Propaganda Clichés, Fear-Mongering and Resentment in Bulgarian Society, 2016-2017
- Daniela Kalkandjieva, Russian Ecclesiastical Geopolitics Between the Two World Wars
- Zafar Najmiddinov, Central Asia Meets the Balkans: On Some Hanafite Manuscripts from the National Library of Bulgaria
- Alex Rodriguez Suarez, When Did the Serbs and the Bulgarians Adopt Bell Ringing?
- Victoria Shmidt, The Legacy of Eugenics in CEE Countries: The Limits and Options of Historical Consciousness
- Dmitar Tasić, Violence as Cause and Consequence: Comparisons of Anti-Communist Armed Resistance in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria after the Second World War
- Toni Veneri, Framing Southeastern Europe: Patterns in Cartographical Regionalization (1477-1636)
- Tünde Virág, Spatial Marginalization of Roma in Bulgaria and Hungary