After the final session of the CAS Academic Advisory Council on the 24th of June and series of interviews conducted the following week CAS granted its fellowships for 2023/2024 to the scholars listed below:
Advanced Academia and Relevance of the Humanities Fellowships for International Scholars
- Ho, Wai-Yip (Joint Centre of Advanced Research, University of Gōttingen / China): Confucian Muslim and Christian Relations in the Imperial China;
- Kwon, June Hee (California State University, Cultural Anthropology / South Korea): The Social History of Fruit Farming in Cheju Korea;
- Meeusen, Michiel (KU Leuven / Belgium): Medical Culture and Learned Society in the High Roman Empire: Knowing the Body, Curing the Mind
- Năstăsoiu, Dragos Gh. (Independent scholar / Romania): Constructing Gender on Pilgrimage: Transformative Experiences of Women from the Eastern and Western Christian Societies in the Crusader Holy Land (1099-1291);
- Puolakka, Kalle (University of Helsinki / Finland): Growth and Trust in the Experience of Literature. A Philosophical Defence of Literary Reading;
- Trajanovski, Naum (Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw / North Macedonia): The Bulgarian Political and Societal Responses to the 1963 Skopje Earthquake;
- Smith, Blake (Independent scholar / USA): Roland Barthes and Julia Kristeva’s Personal Turn, 1975-1983.
Gerda Henkel Fellowships
- Badem, Candan (University of Oxford, Oxford Nizami Ganjavi Centre / Turkey): The Russo-Ottoman War of 1828-29 and its Impact on the Balkans and the Caucasus;
- Maslovskiy, Mikhail (Sociological Institute of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia): Historical Sociology, International Relations and Russian Civilizational Politics;
- Marozau, Siarhei (Independent scholar / Belarus): The Great Duchy of Lithuania (mid-13th – 18th century) in the modern Belarusian memory politics (2015–2023).
Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Academic Diaspora
- Ivanova, Veneta (Panteion University of Social & Political Sciences / Greece): The Unmaking of the Intellectual: A Social and Cultural History of Postsocialism in Bulgaria.
- Milkova, Liliana (Yale University Art Gallery / USA): Museums and Higher Learning: Collection-based Teaching for the 21st-century University.
Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars
- Angelova-Elchinova, Madelaine (Sofia University, History of Philosophy Department): A Novel Defense of Thomas Reid`s Direct Realism about Perception;
- Hristova, Tsvetelina (Independent scholar): Radical Alterities in the Global Histories of Automation;
- Parvanov, Petar (National Archaeological Institute with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Battlefield Archaeology of the Ottoman Conquest: Landscape, Heritage, Memory;
- Petrov, Victor (University of Tennessee): Star Citizens: Alternative Knowledge, Science, and the Search for Meaning in Post-Socialist Bulgaria;
- Strahilov, Ivo (Sofia University, Department of History and Theory of Culture): Heritage Hierarchies: Unpacking the ‘Crossroads of Civilisations’ Concept.
Pforzheimer Fellowships for Bulgarian Senior Scholars
- Metodiev, Momchil (History Department, New Bulgarian University): The Orthodox Church: A Driver of Modernization. Bulgarian Church in an European setting between the Two World Wars?
- Panayotov, Strahil (Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Comparative and Interdisciplinary Analyses of Medical Texts Concerning Coughing of Phlegm: from the second Millennium BCE Mesopotamia, over Ashurbanipal to Hippocrates.
‘Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship’ Program
- Bureha, Volodymyr (Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary / Ukraine): Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the face of the challenge of war (February 2022 – August 2022).
- Dvorkin, Ihor (The National Technical University ‘Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute’ / Ukraine): Memory of the Second World War in Contemporary Ukraine.
- Kudriavtseva, Natalia (Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University / Ukraine): Switching to Ukrainian from Russian in Wartime: Linguistic Conversion in Eastern Ukraine.
- Shatalov, Denys (Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies, Dnipro / Ukraine): That war and this war: the entanglement and interaction of imagination, commemoration and memory of World War II and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Case of Kryvyi Rih.