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Selected CAS Fellows for 2024 – 2025 Academic Year

After the final session of the CAS Academic Advisory Council on the 21th of June and series of interviews conducted the following week CAS granted its fellowships for 2024/2025 to the scholars listed below:

Advanced Academia and Relevance of the Humanities Fellowships for International Scholars

  • Cojocaru, Oana (New Europe College, Romania): Practices of hope and healing in Medieval Byzantium (9th-10th centuries);
  • Fuhrmann, Malte (Konstanz University, Germany): Roads to Happiness, Roads to Despair Transport Infrastructure, Emotions, and Politics in Southeast Europe, 1839-1956;
  • Fink, Sebastian (Institute of Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Innsbruck): Critique and Enlightenment in Ancient Mesopotamia;
  • Ribak, Gil (University of Arizona, USA): “Mothers Sell Their Little Children”: Imagining Blackness in Eastern European Yiddish Culture;
  • Waysband, Edward (Babeș-Bolyai University): Comparative Approach to Hybridity: Modernist Literature of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Port Cities Odesa and Tel Aviv;
  • Yang Daqing (George Washington University): Negotiating History and Identity across Borders: A Comparative Study of Joint History Commissions, with a Special Emphasis on Southeastern Europe.

Gerda Henkel Fellowships

  • Rusakovskiy, Oleg (Independent scholar, Russia): History Mercenaries in the Tsar’s Service: Muscovy and European Military Entrepreneurship, 1630 – 1634;
  • Yahyaoui, Ekaterina (University of Galway, Irish Centre for Human Rights): Equality and Human Rights: Between Identity and Difference.

Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Academic Diaspora

  • Dimova, Polina (University of Denver, USA): The Skriabin Century: Aleksandr Skriabin’s Myth and Music in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture;
  • Gaydarska, Biserka (Durham University, UK): Miniature People with Lots to Say: Balkan prehistoric figurines in context.

Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars

  • Georgiev, Konstantin (Male Rice University, Department of Anthropology): An Invisible Systemic Problem? Making and Unmaking the Meaning of Police Violence in Bulgaria;
  • Stamberova, Miglena (National Institute of Archaeology with Museum – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Politicizing Science: the Impact of the Political on the Bulgarian archaeology during the Communist Period and the Years of Transition;
  • Nuri, Ahmed (Independent scholar): A Strange Ink on the Iron Curtain: Turkishness, Socialism, and the Idea of the Land in Turkish Literary Works of Communist Bulgaria (1944-1968);
  • Peychev, Stefan (Independent scholar): Fire and Water: The Hydrothermal Landscapes of the Balkans in the Age of Geological Travel, ca. 1500-1900;
  • Popova, Lubomira (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Department of European Studies): Is the “new” EU enlargement methodology already obsolete? (An empirical reconstruction of the EU’s New enlargement methodology).

Pforzheimer Fellowships for Bulgarian Senior Scholars

  • Malinova, Mariana (New Bulgarian University, Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies): Constructing Ibn Taymiyya’s Conception of Translation.

Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship Program

  • Krylova-Grek, Yuliya (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine): Media, Language and Society: Propaganda, Manipulation and PSYPS Resistance;
  • Polunin, Oleksii (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine): Living through an Apocalypse: the role of Self, Time, and Emotions;
  • Serdiuk, Igor (Visiting Professor of the Department of History, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv, Ukraine): Quality of life of the population of the Hetman region and Left Bank Ukraine in the18th – 19th centuries (demography, economy, medicine);
  • Yeremieiev, Pavlo (French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic): The images of Ukraine in Russian church historiography of the long 19th century.

Landis & Gyr Artistic Scholarship Program

  • Igov, Angel (Writer and Literary Scholar): A Communist Family: A creative nonfiction case study;
  • Danchev, Ivo (Visual Artists and Photographer): Behind the Masks;
  • Osadcha, Oleksandra (Art History Researcher and Curator): Modernist? Non-Conformist? Anachronist? The Role of Fotografika Darkroom Practices in the Late Soviet Photography.