After the final session of the CAS Academic Advisory Council on the 21th of June and series of interviews conducted the following week CAS granted its fellowships for 2024/2025 to the scholars listed below:
Advanced Academia and Relevance of the Humanities Fellowships for International Scholars
- Cojocaru, Oana (New Europe College, Romania): Practices of hope and healing in Medieval Byzantium (9th-10th centuries);
- Fuhrmann, Malte (Konstanz University, Germany): Roads to Happiness, Roads to Despair Transport Infrastructure, Emotions, and Politics in Southeast Europe, 1839-1956;
- Fink, Sebastian (Institute of Ancient History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, University of Innsbruck): Critique and Enlightenment in Ancient Mesopotamia;
- Ribak, Gil (University of Arizona, USA): “Mothers Sell Their Little Children”: Imagining Blackness in Eastern European Yiddish Culture;
- Waysband, Edward (Babeș-Bolyai University): Comparative Approach to Hybridity: Modernist Literature of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Port Cities Odesa and Tel Aviv;
- Yang Daqing (George Washington University): Negotiating History and Identity across Borders: A Comparative Study of Joint History Commissions, with a Special Emphasis on Southeastern Europe.
Gerda Henkel Fellowships
- Rusakovskiy, Oleg (Independent scholar, Russia): History Mercenaries in the Tsar’s Service: Muscovy and European Military Entrepreneurship, 1630 – 1634;
- Yahyaoui, Ekaterina (University of Galway, Irish Centre for Human Rights): Equality and Human Rights: Between Identity and Difference.
Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Academic Diaspora
- Dimova, Polina (University of Denver, USA): The Skriabin Century: Aleksandr Skriabin’s Myth and Music in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture;
- Gaydarska, Biserka (Durham University, UK): Miniature People with Lots to Say: Balkan prehistoric figurines in context.
Independent Fellowships for Bulgarian Junior Scholars
- Georgiev, Konstantin (Male Rice University, Department of Anthropology): An Invisible Systemic Problem? Making and Unmaking the Meaning of Police Violence in Bulgaria;
- Stamberova, Miglena (National Institute of Archaeology with Museum – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences): Politicizing Science: the Impact of the Political on the Bulgarian archaeology during the Communist Period and the Years of Transition;
- Nuri, Ahmed (Independent scholar): A Strange Ink on the Iron Curtain: Turkishness, Socialism, and the Idea of the Land in Turkish Literary Works of Communist Bulgaria (1944-1968);
- Peychev, Stefan (Independent scholar): Fire and Water: The Hydrothermal Landscapes of the Balkans in the Age of Geological Travel, ca. 1500-1900;
- Popova, Lubomira (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Department of European Studies): Is the “new” EU enlargement methodology already obsolete? (An empirical reconstruction of the EU’s New enlargement methodology).
Pforzheimer Fellowships for Bulgarian Senior Scholars
- Malinova, Mariana (New Bulgarian University, Department of Mediterranean and Eastern Studies): Constructing Ibn Taymiyya’s Conception of Translation.
Sustaining Ukrainian Scholarship Program
- Krylova-Grek, Yuliya (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine): Media, Language and Society: Propaganda, Manipulation and PSYPS Resistance;
- Polunin, Oleksii (National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine): Living through an Apocalypse: the role of Self, Time, and Emotions;
- Serdiuk, Igor (Visiting Professor of the Department of History, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Kyiv, Ukraine): Quality of life of the population of the Hetman region and Left Bank Ukraine in the18th – 19th centuries (demography, economy, medicine);
- Yeremieiev, Pavlo (French Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic): The images of Ukraine in Russian church historiography of the long 19th century.
Landis & Gyr Artistic Scholarship Program
- Igov, Angel (Writer and Literary Scholar): A Communist Family: A creative nonfiction case study;
- Danchev, Ivo (Visual Artists and Photographer): Behind the Masks;
- Osadcha, Oleksandra (Art History Researcher and Curator): Modernist? Non-Conformist? Anachronist? The Role of Fotografika Darkroom Practices in the Late Soviet Photography.